Monday, July 8, 2013

Seven Cases - another update...

Firstly, welcome to all the new readers of my blog. I'm not sure where you're all coming from, but the numbers have doubled over the last week. Big hello to anyone in China too - you've moved up to 2nd place behind the USA in my number of views totals.

Right, so what's happening with 'Seven Cases'? Well, i'm busy editing what we've shot so far. I've got a rough assembly of the first 45 minutes and i've spent the last couple of days working on the design and edit of the opening titles. It's not generally necessary to get the titles done so early in the process, but i think it'll help both me and Jon (the composer) if we get them happening soon... it'll give us an idea of the atmosphere at the beginning of the movie.

We've begun putting together the schedule for the final days of shooting. There's about 6 days left to shoot and most, if not all of it should get done within the next month.

Any exciting new names to add to the cast? Leon Herbert -

More news to follow soon...

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